Career Choice

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them
looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in
your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma,
-Steve Jobs
It’s not easy to pick or foresee one’s career. It’s hard to make a decision when your choices are not clear. You may feel under pressure or may be confused on which career you should pursue. There are some factors that go into choosing a career: Your skills; your interests; and your personality.
If you find that you have more practical skills than mental skills you should look into a more practical career and visa versa. The great thing about today’s careers is there is so much variety. You can easily find a career that involves both practical and mental skills such as engineering.
Imagine going into college every day studying something you’re not interested in, like jam making (yes, it was a course until 1998). No matter what your interests there’s a course that will serve it. Make sure to do lots of research into courses. Go to open days, get the latest prospectus, and talk to students who are studying or have studied the course.
Your personality should reflect what career you choose to pursue. If you’re an active person don’t go into a career that involves sitting at a computer from 9 to 5. Be aware of your traits when choosing a career. Remember your personal brand and don’t feel pressurised to do something you don’t want to do.
- Career choice tests can be useful.
- Talk to your school’s guidance counsellor
- Try and get work experience in a place of interest
- Find out what you can do with a degree in a career you’re interested in.
- Don’t step on UCC’s quadrangle.
The Balance has 8 great steps on choosing a career. choosing-career- 525506
CareersPortal has all the details on college courses