Category: TY Ninjas

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The Wrongs of the Rialtas

It is safe to say a government is the most controversial, independent body in our society. An important aspect of the government’s role is to try and please the majority of the population in order for them to remain in government. Since this tactic is common knowledge, it proves to be a challenging task to…
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The Attention Economy

What is the attention economy? By definition, the attention economy rests on the idea that attention is a scarce resource to compete for. The modern economy increasingly revolves around the human attention span and how products capture that attention. The concept most evident in the attention economy of today’s society is social media. The attention…
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Once Upon a Dream

 Once on a bed under his favorite Harry Potter blanket, he had a dream. And it was about a kingdom and he was the shining knight. He would wake up, tell his mother and she’d smile and say “I love your imagination honey”. Then he’d stay with her all day because that’s all he had…
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You’ve got Moxie (A Feminist’s Guide to Speaking Up)

Movie: Moxie (2021) Genre: Female Empowerment Director: Amy Poehler Rating: 5 stars Plot The movie “Moxie” is about a teenage high school girl named Vivian who starts an anonymous pro feminism newsletter after she witnesses gender discrimination in her school. The purpose of this is to let the women in her school feel heard and…
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TY Ninjas 2023 | Registrations Now Open!

#Announcement #TYNinjas #Transition Year For the fourth year in a row, the TY Ninjas Programme will be running from February to May this year. The TY Ninjas Programme is an initiative to cultivate a platform for transition year students by transition year students. Since its inception in 2019, the programme has been run online with…
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A Beginner’s Guide to Film Cameras

To the inexperienced, using a camera is intimidating. They’re expensive, heavy and have so many unfamiliar buttons and settings. The majority of teens now use their phones to take pictures, however this can often take away from the moment through countless attempts of trying to get that “perfect shot.” This has given rise to the…
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Beauty and the Beast Remake – 3 Times It Worked (and 3 times not so much)

Was the remake of Beauty and the Beast actually good? Here, I reflect on what I think made and didn’t make this movie worthwhile. But whether it actually was, well, I’ll leave that up to you!

Connecting with Nature Through Citizen Science

Interested in learning more about wildlife and engaging in citizen science? Well, this is just the article for you!

Elden Ring, a colossal masterpiece

Today we are talking about the hit game, Elden ring and why it is a masterpiece.

The Dangers of Cocaine and The Infamous Involvements of Pablo Escobar

An article written to inform you on the dangers of cocaine and drugs, as well as a historical background to the most well known drug criminal of all time, Pablo Escobar. This article contains informations and imagery some may find disturbing. Please proceed at your own discretion.