FAQ Category: TY Ninjas FAQs

Get the best experience

Where is TY.ie’s HQ?

TY.ie is located in Bishopstown, Cork. However as this is an online work experience programme you are required to work from home.

What Do I Need as a TY Ninja?

A ninja costume and some ninja stars…just kidding. All you need is an internet connection and a phone, laptop or PC.

How Long is the Programme?

The programme runs until the end of May.

Do I Need a CV to Sign Up for TY Ninjas?

A CV is not obligatory but it is recommended as it helps us to know you better.

What are the Rewards and Prizes?

Vouchers, tech, books, merch, tickets and more.

Can I Do Other Work Experience Placements While I’m a TY Ninja?

Yes, as a TY Ninja you only work when you want to. You can still participate in normal work experience placements during the time your school has assigned.