What You Should Do Over The Easter Holidays

For many TYs, Easter is just another two weeks off in a year full of weeks off. For others it may be a break from all the activities they have been doing in the year and for others again the Easter break presents them with more opportunities to develop and make the most of the year. Regardless of whether TY has been a successful or not, there is still some time left so here is TY.ie’s top tips on how to make the most out of your Easter Holidays!
Review Your Year– With two out of the three terms finished and with Summer fast approaching, now is a perfect time to review your year so far. Look at what you hoped to get out of TY and compare it to what you’ve actually done. See if you can still achieve those unrealised goals. You can put together a plan to do everything you’ve yet to achieve whether that is to learn how to do Calligraphy or to run 5km.
Look Ahead– Most TYs are in the process of picking subjects for the leaving cert at the moment and if you’ve already picked in your school or haven’t started the process yet, now is a great time to look even further ahead at what to do when you finish school. In the middle of studying, students get bogged down by CAO choices so now you have a luxury that you might not have in the future. Don’t be afraid to look outside of the CAO for your future with plenty of training courses, skills and options abroad. Read our articles about Picking Leaving Cert Subjects.
Get Ready for Summer– June and all that comes with it is on its way so now is the time to prepare. Hand out CVs for a summer job and maybe start practicing to take your driving theory test and planning fun activities over the summer. Find a useful CV Template here.

These are just a few of the many things you can do over Easter. If you have anything you would like to share with your fellow TY students feel free to email info@ or comment below. Enjoy your Easter Holidays!
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Tags: cv, easter, easter holidays, leaving cert, summer job, transition year