How To Write A Work Experience Review

Writing a work experience review is a great way to share your experience with other students that are currently in transition year or that will be going into transition year. Your review will help students decide where to go for work experience and what to expect from the placement. Some students don’t really know what to expect when starting work experience as it’s a completely new thing for them so reading work experience reviews is like checking reviews of a product, game or movie; they get a better idea if it will be right for them. Work experience reviews don’t need to elaborate essays, a short piece with to-the-point information will do just fine. Here is our guide on how to write a review!
#1 Work Undertaken
This should be the first section of your review and it should include the most significant parts of your work experience even the parts that you didn’t like as to other students these are quite important. However, make sure you don’t exaggerate them, only say what actually happened. Try to be as clear as possible with the work you undertook.
#2 Length of Placement
This is quite simple. Just mention how long you did your work experience placement i.e. two weeks, one day per week for 14 weeks.You could also add whether you thought the length of the placement was sufficient or if you would have liked more time. What will also be useful is if you mention how many hours you worked per day and whether you thought this was too long, short or just perfect.
#3 Highlight of Your Placement
What was your favourite moment from the placement if any? Perhaps there wasn’t one particular part of the placement that you enjoyed so what was your favourite aspect of the placement? Was it the environment, the tasks you got to partake in, the people you got to meet etc.
#4 Final Thoughts
Your final thoughts should include your overall summary of the work placement. Some questions you can answer are:
- Was the experience worthwhile?
- Would you pursue the area of work as a possible career?
- Would you like to do the placement again?
- You can then rate the placement out of 5 stars.
Here is an example of a work experience review:
Sam’s Jam
I got the opportunity to go to Sam’s Jam for my work experience. I was able to get an insight into jam making and product marketing. I was involved in the inspection process of the finished jars of jam as well as making samples which was really fun! At one stage I had to stack shelves and shelves of jam which was tedious and repetitive. I was at the jam making factory for 2 weeks and worked from 10am to 3pm with two breaks each day which was enough time for me to get a good idea of the work involved in jam production. The highlight of my week was making the jam samples (I got to keep some of them!). As I am interested in this area of work the experience was invaluable and I would love to do it again.
So now you know exactly how to write a work experience review! Click here to start!
Please read our guidelines before writing a review.