Sticks and Stones – Mini-Company Showcase
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- in Mini-Company Showcase, TY Posts
- on April 20, 2017

An Interview With Sticks And Stones
Describe the company
Sticks and Stones is a local business, owned and operated by Bobbi, Ciara and Shannon, three creative young entrepreneurs. Each piece of art is original, using pebbles handpicked from the shores of Irish beaches.

The pebble art can be displayed in beautiful shadow boxes or on cards using any quote or phrase you like. These are handmade products and a “one of a kind” gift for all occasions in life.We ensure high quality products at affordable prices.

We look forward to sharing these works of art with you!
How are you unique?
Our company is unique because every pebble and twig will never be the same which makes every card and frame a “one of a kind” gift.
Where did you get the idea from?
We actually fell into the idea of Stick and Stones. It all happened in art class after our last idea did not work out and our mini company teacher was back off parental leave we saw a bunch of old pebbles lying in the art room and we had a bunch of cards too so we just start messing around with them and quickly realised that it could be an amazing idea for our new company idea because we had never seen or heard about anything like this before. We always come up with original ideas for our cards and it always involves a stick and a stone so you can see where our name originated from!

Where are you based?
We are based in Blakestown Community School in Blanchardstown, Dublin.
When was the company launched?
Our company was launched in January as we had a previous idea that just didn’t work out and our teacher was out on parental leave so when she came back we quickly realised that we needed a whole new company, we knew we’d need something that would sell very well. When we came up with Sticks and Stones we knew that this could be a brilliant company because it was so original and there was nothing like this out there.
Who are your target market?
Our target market ranges from late teens to any age upwards. The surveys we conducted quickly told us that young children and most teenagers would not be interested in buying our products but the adults and elderly loved our ideas so that’s how we knew what market to target.
Tell us about your team
Our company team has 3 people in it, Bobbi the Manager, Ciara the Assistant Manager and Shannon the Head of Packaging. We were all really good friends outside of the company which is why we started it together. I think being friends before hand made us have some conflicts but when we realised working together as a team made us succeed more as a company we quickly overcame all conflicts.

What are the long term plans for your company?
Sticks & Stones recently just won the overall winner of the Fingal Student Enterprise Senior Level FInal and a trip to Barcelona. We hope to get somewhere at this years Student Enterprise All-Irelands in May. Our cards are being sold in all different counties like, Tipperary, Mayo, Kildare, Laois and we have supply of cards going into “Inspiring Ideas” in Blanchardstown. We have our own Facebook, Twitter, Instagram pages and a website where you can order all our products.

How do people get in touch with you?
Our customers get in touch with us by messaging us on any of our social media pages or by emailing info@sticksandstonesco. net
Facebook: @sticksandstonesty
Twitter: @Sticksnstonesty
Instagram: @sticksandstones_ty
Tags: art, blakestown community school, blanchardstown, creativity, mini-company, sticks and stones, student enterprise, transition year