Stories of Success – Mini-Company Showcase
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- in Mini-Company Showcase, TY Posts
- on February 21, 2019

An Interview With Stories of Success
Q1. Describe the company
Our company is called Stories of Success. Our idea was to write a pocket book full of motivation and inspiration. The book is composed of 15 interviews that we compiled from some of Ireland’s most influential and successful people, including CEO’s of billion-dollar companies, presidential candidates and stars of the entertainment industry. We asked each interviewee ten questions, some of which were specialized to their fields so we could get a unique insight into many different careers.
Q2. How are you unique?
When we were doing our market research, we couldn’t find anything in bookshops or online that provides the burst of motivation that our book provides. All the other self-help books were long, heavy reads, whereas our book is short and easily digestible for young people. The high-profile status and recognition of our interviewees is also a unique selling point of the book, customers are interested to gain an insight into their success stories.
Here are some of our interviewees:
Q3. Where did you get the idea from?
As mentioned before, we wanted to make something inexpensive and accessible that could help young people. We also wanted to make sure we came up with an idea and produced a product that we could all be proud of. Therefore, it took us a long time to settle on an idea that everyone in our team felt passionate about. We spent weeks brainstorming until Matthew, one of our team members came up with the idea to write a short pocketbook filled with inspiring interviews. We all loved the idea and got to work.
Q4. Where are you based?
Our three team members are all from Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare. You can contact us via social media or email to order a book directly from us. ‘Stories of Success’ is also available in bookshops around the country including Ennis Bookshop and Quay Books in Limerick. The book will soon be available in Charlie Byrnes Bookshop and Kenny’s Bookshop in Galway.
Q5. When was the company launched?
We had the idea for ‘Stories of Success’ in October 2018, that’s when we began the long process of compiling the interviews for the book and producing the physical product. The first order of the books was done in the first week of December.
Q6. Who are your target market?
The target market for Stories of Success is anyone seeking guidance and motivation in choices regarding courses in college and career changes.
Q7. Tell us about your team?
There are three members of our team, Emma, Blathnaid and Matthew. Each of our members were vital to the success of our company. Once we got a reply from an interviewee, it was sent to Emma, who compiled all the interviews into a word document. She was also in charge of editing and producing the books. Blathnaid got interviews for the book and called bookshops. Matthew was in charge of marketing and sales. Overall our skills complimented each other’s, and we were delighted with our finished product.
Q8. What are the long-term plans for your company?
- To keep our book in stock in as many bookshops as possible. ‘Stories of Success’ is currently available in three shops but we plan on continuously expanding.
- To get our book available online. Once we get our next order of the books, we will give ten to Kenny’s bookshop in Galway. Des Kenny, the owner will also put our book on his website so it will be available online. We are also looking into setting up a website of our own.
- To continue promoting our book. We have already promoted our book in local media like Clare FM and the Clare People, however we are now trying to promote online and through other events. For example, we will be at the Ennis Book Club Festival at the beginning of March to promote our book. We will also be attending an event at the National Gallery to speak to a group of young people about the process of writing this book and what we learned from doing so.
- We are continuously looking for other channels to sell our product. We are currently in the process of contacting TY work experience weeks and award ceremonies to see if our book could be included in a sort of goodie bag for participants. Paschal Meehan, the VP International in LIT, is currently speaking to colleagues to see how many copies they can order. Sheila Porter, the CEO of Sci-Fest has purchased a book and tweeted about it.
Q9. How do people get in touch with you?
If you want to ask us anything or buy a book, please contact us:
Instagram: @storiesofsuccess1
Phone: 087 463 5633
Twitter: @storiessuccess1
Tags: Clare, mini-company, stories of success. motivation, student enterprise, transition year