Studie – Mini-Company Showcase

An Interview With Studie
Q1. Describe the company
Last year we completed the Junior Cert/Cycle and found that there was very little resources available for us to get study tips. We also noticed that everyone was completely stressed and no one looked after their wellbeing. Our idea stemmed from this as we wanted to provide the necessary resources not only for studying but for wellbeing as we believe that you can only study efficiently if you take care of yourself first! Originally our business idea was to create an app that would help students to study. Unfortunately, we were unable to do this as we didn’t have the necessary skills or finance for the app development so we decided that a website would be the next most appropriate platform for us. Our website provides fruitful study resources such as study and wellbeing tips!
Our first physical product was our Cloud 9 Boxes which we designed ourselves. These are self-care pamper packages. Each package includes two facemasks, a bath bomb, a hot chocolate kit, scrunchie, sweeties, pencil, highlighter, ‘Top 10 Studie Tips’, a relaxing lavender roll on and all of us this came in a reusable box. These boxes were designed to encourage students to take a break from studying and to look after themselves.
Our next product we designed were our ‘Studie Wall Calendars’. These bright and colourful calendars were created to help students to stay on task and to record any upcoming events or exams. We are delighted to say that many local businesses gave us sponsorship to design and print the calendars in return for their logo to be shown on the calendar. This was really important to us as we really appreciated the local businesses getting behind our mini business.
Q2. How are you unique?
What was innovative about our business is that we took a different approach to studying. Rather than making a book of all our study tips we decided to make a website on an online platform where we can post our tips and others can give theirs. We also didn’t just want to focus on studying, we wanted to promote a positive mental health and wellbeing.
Q3. Where are you based?
We are from Scoil Mhuire Greenhill, Co. Tipperary.
Q4. When was the company launched?
Our company launched on the 9th November 2019.
Q5. Who are your target market?
Our target market is mostly secondary school students but anyone can use the website.
Q6. Tell us about your team
Our team is made up of three 16 year olds, Amy Cullinane, Lorna Hennessy and Ava Lynch. We are from Tipperary and Waterford. We each take turns in writing blog posts.
Q7. What are the long term plans for your company?
We have so many goals. The first would be to become a well-known and established business. We would then hope to offer more services on our website and then to eventually be able to develop our app as that was our original business idea.
Q8. How can people get in contact with you?
People can email us on or they can contact us through the contact form on our website, which is